Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Water Polo and Volleyball Update

Bryce played Ontario today they won 16 to 6. They are now 3-0 in League. 5 of the 7 starters only played the first half then JV played the remaining of the game.

Courtney also Played Ontario, they lost 2 games to 1 but Courtney hustled and played great, she was making saves and digs.

It was fun watching them play.

Caitlin Sophmore and loving it.

Caitlin is getting ready to play water polo. She is also helping keep the books at Bryce's and Courtney's Game. She enjoys supporting the teams and being in the middle of the action. She loves to give the Water Polo Coach suggestions for the Boys. She also enjoys cooking and she would make cookies everyday if we let her.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Allison Receives Her Mission Call

Allison has been called to serve in the Cherry Hill New Jersey. She reports on November 19, 2008.

She will be speaking in sacrament Meeting on Sunday November 9, 2008 at 1 pm in the Singles Ward at the Ontario Stake Center.

Come and join us.

Courtney our Volleyball Girl

Courtney is a Freshmen and playing on the JV squad. She is learning and quite competitive.

Bryce - Playing Water Polo

Bryce is in his Sr. Year Playing Water Polo and having a lots of Fun. So far they are undefeated with a 2-0 record. Bryce has made 4 goals in league games.

Brett in Sydney Nova Scotia

Brett is in his first area in Sydney. It is at the North end of Nova Scotia, He is in a ward and loves serving the people.

His first Companion was Elder Nelson, from Salt Lake City, Utah

Here are a few highlights of Brett's Mission;
August 5, 2008 - Since I have got to Canada during daily personal study I have been studying in 3 Nephi I started with chapter 11 and it has been so cool to read what happened when Jesus came to the Americas. I am learning so much more. I am realizing that the savior is so important to our religion. Everything is thanks to him. I have also read the "meaning of the atonement" and my testimony of the savior is growing everyday.

August 13, 2008 - The best way to build stronger testimonies is to share them. Since I have left home I have born my testimony more then the rest of my life and it has grown more then any other time in my life. So you should try to bare your testimony often because it will make it stronger.

August 21, 2008 - Really relying on the lord to help us because this is his work. and we are not great teachers. but as long as we are trying to improve and doing our best the lord will help us. and people will understand the message.

August 27, 2008 - Home teaching is very important. Out here we have to fellowship people a lot because the church is not as big. There are 2 good talks that I used when I spoke in Sacrement meeting last Sunday. One is by Bednar and the other by Perry M. Christensen, if you search offend they are on the first page. They are about people being offended but it also talks about how we need to visit these people and help them realize how important the gospel is. I like how Elder Bednar puts it "I would say something like this. Let me make sure I understand what has happened to you. Because someone at church offended you, you have not been blessed by the ordinance of the sacrament. You have withdrawn yourself from the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. Because someone at church offended you, you have cut yourself off from priesthood ordinances and the holy temple. You have discontinued your opportunity to serve others and to learn and grow. And you are leaving barriers that will impede the spiritual progress of your children, your children's children, and the generations that will follow." Many times people would think for a moment and then respond: "I have never thought about it that way."

September 3, 2008 - This last week i have learned that your attitude reflects your faith. Let me explain, if you have strong faith you know that God can perform miracles. You know that he can do anything. I have seen some people have the attitude that a certain person will never change or come back to church, or accept the gospel. That attitude is saying that they don't believe that God can do anything. They don't believe that God knows what we need in life to guide us to do things. He does, he can provide the situation to lead any one back to church or to receive the gospel. We all need to show our faith by our attitude. People can change, I really do love the people here and they do have faith but this is some thing I learned.

September 24, 2008 - Well this past week we had district meeting and I was asked to give one of the trainings, on inviting others to come unto Christ. I had no idea what I was gonna talk about. so I prayed about it and then thought about it and my prayers were answered, it turned out alright. Better then I thought it was gonna and it wasn't even that hard to talk in front of them there was only 12 or 14 people there but its getting easier. I was actually able to use a story from one of your letters mom it was great. thanks.